SHARC | Coming Together: Shared conversations with the Lived and Living Experience Workforces in the mental health and AOD sectors
It’s time to celebrate lived experience, across all sectors, and the value it has in our workforce!
Funded by the Victorian Department of Health and co-hosted by the Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC) and the Centre for Mental Health Learning; this forum is supported by the Victorian Mental Illness Awareness Council (VMIAC), Carer Lived Experience Workforce Network (CLEW), Tandem and other sector representatives.
Guest speakers include Cath Roper, Deb Warner, Nadia Gavin and Crystal Clancy, covering lived experience work, both in consumer and family/carer workforces.
Forum activities include a discussion panel with current lived and living experience workers, breakout workshops and more. Topics will cover lived and living experience work, both in consumer and family/carer workforces, with a focus on workforce wellbeing.
For the breakout sessions you can choose to participate in
- Informed consent regarding treatment, including psychiatric drugs
- Challenging stigma and discrimination in the workplace
- Exploring non-clinical ways to connect with people
You can select which session you wish to participate in when completing your online registration.