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YDHF Community Forum – Monday 15 July 12 – 1:30pm

Progress of the Public Intoxication Reform (PIR)

This forum will provide an update on the progress of the implementation of the Public Intoxication Reform process with a focus on the Metropolitan area. Speakers will provide an overview of their agency’s involvement in the PIR since its inception in November 2023. Challenges and outcomes will be discussed.


  • Melissa Donovan – Manager, Centralised Services – Public Intoxication Reform – Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
  • Cleve Hapi – Ngwala Willumbong Aboriginal Corporation
  • Danny Jeffcote – Cluster Lead ‑ Outreach ‑ Operations Manager PIR cohealth
  • Stephanie Lawrence – Senior Project Manager – Public Drunkenness Reform – Capability Department – Victoria Police

Date: Monday 15 July
Time: 12-1:30pm  **Lunch will be provided.
Location: Room 050, North Richmond Community Health Centre, 23 Lennox Street, Richmond.

Details on how to get there by public transport can be found here.

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