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Kevan Myers

Team Leader & Senior Dual Diagnosis Clinician Nexus Dual Diagnosis Consultation Service

Kevan has been employed at Nexus which is based at St Vincent’s Hospital since 2005 having previously worked in clinical mental health services. He has experience in community and inpatient settings across NSW and Victoria, as well as the UK. Kevan is currently a PhD candidate at Monash University.

His research is focused on the dual diagnosis resource the Reasons For Use Package. Kevan is currently Deputy Chair of the Yarra Mental Health Alliance and a member of the international body MINT (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers). Kevan has been a regular Yarra Drug and Health Forum attender for over 15 years and joined the Executive in 2016.

Kevan strongly believes in the YDHF key approach of service users, community and service providers working together to improve outcomes. One of the central principles of dual diagnosis thinking is that co-occurring mental health, alcohol and other drugs and physical health issues are the expectation not the exception. Therefore holistic approaches as championed by the YDHF are needed rather than siloed thinking.

YDHF announces new Executive Officer

We are delighted to announce Amanda Stone as the new Executive Officer of YDHF. Many of you will know Amanda from her time serving as Councillor for City of Yarra.  Amanda stepped down from Council at the last election after 16…

YDHF Community Network Forum – Monday 18 November 12-1:30pm

Creating a welcoming space on the NRCH footprint: Community briefing                         Speakers: • Laura O’Shea, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nurse, North Richmond Community Health • Sarah Hiley, Head…

YDHF Annual Report 2023-24

Please click here for the YDHF – Annual Report 23-24

YDHF Community Network Forum – Monday 16 September 12-1:30pm

Are Harm Reduction Workers allowed to Administer Naloxone? Speakers: Professor Paul Dietze – Burnet Institute Andrea Fischer – cohealth Shelley Cogger – North Richmond Community Health Richie Goonan – Youth Projects Sione Crawford – Harm Reduction Victoria Location: Room 050, North Richmond Community…

YDHF International Overdose Awareness Day BBQ event – Monday 26 August 12:30pm

International Overdose Awareness Day BBQ event Monday 26th August, 12:30pm Collingwood Neighbourhood House Yarra Drug and Health Forum invites you to join us for a lunchtime BBQ to acknowledge International Overdose Awareness Day. An event to honour loved ones lost…

YDHF Community Forum – Monday 15 July 12 – 1:30pm

Progress of the Public Intoxication Reform (PIR) This forum will provide an update on the progress of the implementation of the Public Intoxication Reform process with a focus on the Metropolitan area. Speakers will provide an overview of their agency’s…

Yarra Drug & Health Forum Annual General Meeting – Tuesday 25th June 3-5pm

Join us for our annual general meeting to hear a wrap up of another year for Yarra Drug and Health Forum.  Chair of the executive committee, Peter Wearne will reflect on the Forum’s work over the past 12 months. This…

YDHF Community Network Forum: Monday 22 April 12-1:30pm

YDHF Community Network Forum: Monday 22 April 12-1:30pm Speaker: Aiv Puglielli – Greens Member for North East Metropolitan Region Parliament of Victoria Title: Drug Checking: An update from inside state parliament Aiv will provide his insight into what has changed…

YDHF Community Network Forum: Monday 19 February 12 – 1:30pm

YDHF Community Network Forum: Public Amenity and the North Richmond Medically Supervised Injecting Room Speaker: Bianca Whiteside, PhD candidate, Deakin University and Burnet Institute. Background: Bianca Whiteside, PhD candidate, Deakin University and Burnet Institute will present on her ongoing research at…

YDHF Community Network Forum: Monday 20th November 12-1:30pm

YDHF’s next Community Network Forum will feature the recently funded AOD Outreach and Community Engagement program in North Richmond. Come along to learn about North Richmond Community Health’s new outreach service that will engage and respond to the needs of…

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